Veddeler Bogen 2
20359 Hamburg
Hundred years after Albert Ballin formed the „Auswanderstadt“ for European emigrants on the Hamburger Veddel parts of it were reconstructed and developed to a museum complex. Three pavilions have been rebuilt and every visitor can relive the journey of the European emigrants in the new world. Information and changing exhibitions are in the first pavilion. The building in the middle includes the exhibition of the emigrants’ world and the Ballinstadt. In center is a boat which is located between two exhibition rooms. Furthermore, there are different cinema rooms which include historical movies. The third building presents the reconstruction of the eating and sleep halls and an exhibition of historical finds. In addition, there is gastronomy in a historical ambience.
The Ballinstadt is rounded by the Ballin Park. It connects the neighborhood Veddel, the Train station and the pier with the Ballinstadt.