20539 Hamburg
Road movie dreariness in Hamburg Harbour, and meeting-point not only for lonely hearts: Among the enormous container facilities, cranes and ships, one can also find places to tarry.
20539 Hamburg
Road movie dreariness in Hamburg Harbour, and meeting-point not only for lonely hearts: Among the enormous container facilities, cranes and ships, one can also find places to tarry.
Veddel is located south-eastern of the inner city, divided by the Elbe. The area includes the eastern part of the island Veddel and as well the small isle Peute. There is also a small part at the northern part of the Island Wilhelmsburg which belongs to the Veddel. Between the railways in the west and the eastern motorway in the east lies the small but densely populated and intensively agriculturally, industrially and commercially used area. Because of the “Elbbrücken” the Veddel is very important for the through-going traffic on street and rails. Also the custom office giving access to the free port is settled down in Veddel. In the 1920ies the housing area became one of the first communal building projects. Because of the immediate neighbourhood to the Harbour the Veddel is a traditional district of the working class. Nowadays a lot of socially disadvantaged People are living here, also the percentage of immigrants is high (60%).
Opposite the IBA dock at Müggenburger Zollhafen is a boat workshop called “Haus der Projekte-die mügge”, which aims to introduce adolescents to the job market by teaching them handicraft skills. The house leans into the water and is reminiscent of an old dockyard building. A crane runway transports boats from the water into the large boathouse. There are group and music rooms alongside the workshop, as well as a large kitchen and a common room. The Dutch office “Studio NL-D” won the European-wide architecture competition, with construction commencing in June 2010 and ending in the spring of 2012, with the participation of adolescents from Wilhelmsburg and Veddel. The building’s electrical power supply is also remarkable: hydrogen and oxygen react in an fuel cell, creating heat and electricity. E.ON is testing this unusual but efficient technique here.
Kaltehofe is an island in the Elbe River which was created artificially between 1875 and 1879 through straightening the bed of the North Elbe and the development of the Billwerder Bay by a cut through the Elbe River. It belongs to the district Rothenburgsort, a part of the municipal borough Hamburg-Mitte. The Elbe island of Kaltehofe is bordered by the North Elbe in the south, by the Billwerder bay in the north and in the east by the timber port. Owners are the Hamburg Water Works which used the filtration plant on the Elbe island Kaltehofe - consisting of 22 water basins, the slide valve houses, an office building and a pump house - for water supply since 1893.
In 1990 the water works Kaltehofe were taken out of service. For about 20 years the entire Elbe island remained largely inaccessible to the public. Now an attractive recreational area has emerged in the middle of Hamburg which - in continual harmony with nature - reflects the cultural history of the industrial landmark in a contemporary and atmospheric way. The refurbished old mansion as well as the many slide valve houses transport lovers of architecture to the end of the 19th Century. The newly constructed building - created by Andrew Heller Architects & Designers - its façade giving the impression of with running water- is in turn a modern piece of architecture. Here the virtual water art museum can be found. The villa houses exhibition space, meeting rooms, the museum shop and the café.
Hundred years after Albert Ballin formed the „Auswanderstadt“ for European emigrants on the Hamburger Veddel parts of it were reconstructed and developed to a museum complex. Three pavilions have been rebuilt and every visitor can relive the journey of the European emigrants in the new world. Information and changing exhibitions are in the first pavilion. The building in the middle includes the exhibition of the emigrants’ world and the Ballinstadt. In center is a boat which is located between two exhibition rooms. Furthermore, there are different cinema rooms which include historical movies. The third building presents the reconstruction of the eating and sleep halls and an exhibition of historical finds. In addition, there is gastronomy in a historical ambience.
The Ballinstadt is rounded by the Ballin Park. It connects the neighborhood Veddel, the Train station and the pier with the Ballinstadt.