25980 Sylt
Sylt is the most northern island of Schleswig-Holstein in the North Sea. It is connected with the mainland by the “Hindenburgdamm” and reachable by car-train or by ferry boat from the Danish harbour Havneby. With almost 100 km2 Sylt is the largest german island in the North Sea. It is known for its tourist resorts, notably Westerland, Kampen and Wenningstedt-Braderup, as well as for its 40 km long sandy beach. Compared with the all day rough surf at the Westside, the silent mudflat on the eastside is completely different. On the northern and southern part of the island are many dunes, only in the middle of the island the ground is more copious and green. From the seaside view it is recognizable in the form of the Red Cliff.