Lecker Strasse 7
25917 Enge-Sande
OffTEC is a training and development cluster. Here you have the opportunity to complete safety training for all four natural elements: Safety training at dizzying heights in the wind farm or in extreme heat in the fire protection training center (BTC). With the Maritime Training Center (MTC), real technologies and modern infrastructure were combined with one another in every detail. This created a unique environment in which scenarios for use on the high seas can be simulated as realistically as possible in safe training environments.
Whether waves with a height of more than 2 meters, wind, thunder, lightning, rain and fog during the day or at night - in
5 meters deep and 15 x 23 m wide pools safety techniques and the correct use of protective equipment and different rescue equipment in all weather conditions can be trained.
The multi-storey gallery (13m) in the hall area with jump area, escape chute system and winches is available for various access, evacuation and rescue techniques. A METS (Modular Egress Training Simulator) of the latest generation was installed for the Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET). In addition, unique rescue training directly from the moving water is made possible by a special helicopter operator.
25917 Enge-Sande