Manshardtstraße 200
22119 Hamburg
CEMETERY CHAPEL BUILDINGS The cemetery of Öjendorf has three cemetery chapel buildings. These halls are connected via the so-called "Flower Street", where the floral decoration can be delivered for the funerals. Hall number 2 is still in its original condition and can also be used for filming. The access to the hall leads past a waiting room. The waiting rooms are equipped with a dark slate floor, photographs on the walls, tables and chairs. The alley to the hall is panelled in wood. The incident daylight is refracted by the large, bright and coloured windows. Inside there are simple benches in rows, a gallery and a coffin lift. Shooting is possible. The buildings can be used for shooting according to prior agreement.
Also in charge: Herr S.Carstens, Tel.: 040-59388102,