Große Freiheit Ecke Reeperbahn
Große Freiheit, Ecke Reeperbahn - 20359 HamburgThe world’s most notorious amusement street. Neon façades, prostitution, table-dance bars and sex shops define the red-light district in St. Pauli.
Große Freiheit 43
22767 Hamburg
The world’s most notorious amusement street. Neon façades, prostitution, table-dance bars and sex shops define the red-light district in St. Pauli.
The Pesthofkeller St. Pauli, which was set up for lack of space and hygiene reasons between the formerly separate towns of Hamburg and Altona, was in its original function until 1814. The infamous vault established over time to the renowned health resort and was ultimately appointed to also name a "Place for ill people". In the time of burning down St. Pauli during the French occupation, the basement was completely destroyed. After the reconstruction, the Pesthofkeller lost its importance as the health station. In the 30 years, the NSDAP party was located in the Pesthofkeller. The large room with a morbid atmosphere, shows hardly any traces of its former use, that's why there are so many myths about the history. The current access is through the Bar. The surprisingly large space can be roughly divided into two sections: a gang-like section with higher barrel vault and the vault adjoining monastery. The cross-shaped pillars support the vault room and also have some effect. The small room next to the stairs was probably used as a vestibule with lock function.
Hamburg"s most notorious area, the Reeperbahn, a street of cabarets, peep-shows and bars is part of the redlight district in St. Pauli by the harbour. Best seen by night for its neon facades, the Reeperbahn is a line of casinos, clubs, restaurants, fast food places and prostitutes. Amongst this tacky mixture, the old amusement area also offers serious entertainment, such as performances, cabaret and musicals in the old St. Pauli Theatre next to the famous "Davidswache" police station, in the local musical hall and in the "Schmidts Tivoli" theatre.
St. Pauli is synonymous with the Reeperbahn, its erotic stores, long party nights and numerous well-known pubs. This main contact point for tourists and residents alike is a famous German image export and a popular place to live, especially among young party people. During the day, however, not much of the nightly ado is left - then it is a quirky district with rough edges.