Krochmannstr. 55
22297 Hamburg
20243 Hamburg
Krochmannstr. 55
22297 Hamburg
Since 1974 the"Winterhude Lichtspiele" are named MAGAZIN. It´s the oldest traditional cinema in Hamburg which is in action since 1938. The MAGAZIN is owning over 370 burgundy upholstery chairs, a big red velvet stage curtain, a stage of ca. 4 times 9 m and a blue-grey wallcovering. Besides it´s the only film theatre with a flat ground.The MAGAZIN is located in the middle of a 1925 constructed red - brick living area. The film theatre was offically used as a meeting room or as a canteen, but already in 1938 it was changed to a cinema. Today the building is under monumental protection and it was the first film theatre in the former british occupation zone which got back its licence for showing films in the public.
The former water tower in Hamburg´ s city park, the Stadtpark, built between 1913 and 1915, has been used as an observatory since 1930. The cylindrical, 60-metres high red brick building was designed by the Hamburg architect Fritz Schuhmacher. Europe´ s biggest projection dome (?) is 13 metres high and 21 metres in diameter and made of copper. Apart from regular shows and a permanent exhibition about the history of astronomy, concerts and lectures also take place at the observatory. One can enjoy a wonderful view of the park and of north Hamburg from the observation platform.
The concept for this office city was developed at the end of the 1950s and was, at that time, one of the largest and most ambitious projects in European civil engineering. With its office solitaires and generous spaces, City Nord has become a prominent and unique trademark in Hamburg's townscape.