Museumsbahn Kappeln
Bahnhofsweg, Lokschuppen Kappeln - 24376 KappelnThe steam locomotive of Angeln is a historical train and nowadays a museum. An association organizes seasonal tours between Kappeln and Suederbarup.
24399 Bad Arnis
The Schleiperle is a light blue painted restaurant, which stands on piles directly on the water of the harbour of Arnis.
The steam locomotive of Angeln is a historical train and nowadays a museum. An association organizes seasonal tours between Kappeln and Suederbarup.
Since 1911 the family Föh cures fish in their fish smokehouse. Every kind of fish gets processed here. The five old and black ovens are heating with Wood and after the smoking process customers have the possibility to buy the delicacies directly in the associated shop.
The bascule bridge crosses the river SChlei. It is 50m high when opened.