25840 Friedrichstadt
Friedrichstadt was built (in 1621 by Dutch people) at the junction of the rivers Treene and Eider. The town is mainly in its original state.
25840 Friedrichstadt
Friedrichstadt was built (in 1621 by Dutch people) at the junction of the rivers Treene and Eider. The town is mainly in its original state.
These days the inland port in the centre of the town is merely used by sports boats and private ferries. The town hall is situated where once the shipyard was . The spacious forecourt with its numerous cafés and historic buildings attracts many tourists.
300 year old Frisianhouse. North german longhouse with thatched roof and red bricks. Rooms covered with tiles from Delft.
As a protection against storm tides the rivers between the North Sea and lower Elbe are being cut off by a barrage. The most important building of this kind is the Eidersperrwerk. The area around Eider and Treene are being protected against high tide by a