MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schlwesig-Holstein

"Risk & Reward"

17.09.2024 | The Explorer Konferenz programme is online!

As a prelude to this year's INDUSTRY DAYS of FILMFEST HAMBURG, the Explorer Konferenz invites you to the Hanseatic city on 30 September under the motto "Risk & Reward". The conference programme has now been announced. Among the 16 speakers: Astronaut Dr Insa Thiele-Eich, who will provide insights into dealing with risks on her journey to the ISS, BAFTA winner Tobi Kyeremateng, who will talk about experimental production structures, and Johanna Koljonen, who will present the current Nostradamus Report 2024.

The focus of this year's Future Conference is on better recognising and managing risks in the development, production and marketing of new films and series and how this can lead to a more accurate assessment of the rewards. In over 15 formats, experts will provide valuable insights into how technological innovations are changing the industry, what opportunities and risks the influence of social media and streaming platforms has on content and how international initiatives are creating new forms of co-production.
The EXPLORER CONFERENCE will take place on 30 September 2024 from 10 am to 7 pm at the Katholische Akademie Hamburg. The conference language is English. Happy Bird tickets for the conference are still available here until 24 September.
The EXPLORER CONFERENCE in partnership with the Producers Association and with the support of MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein takes place as part of FILMFEST HAMBURG INDUSTRY DAYS and is organised by FILMFEST HAMBURG. The production of the conference is in the hands of POISON. Further supporters are the Collecting Society for Rights of Use in Cinematographic Works (VGF), PRG Cinegate, Creative Europe Desks Germany, EAVE and European Film Promotion (EFP).

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