Twelve months, four countries, one unforgettable experience: last year saw the start of the first edition of the "Port of Production" residency - a funding programme for young Executive Producers with a focus on international exchange. Hamburg-based Executive Producer Fabian Driehorst is one of four participants who are still taking part in the programme until the beginning of February.
Breathe, tense up, let go. And bang, the arrow hits the target. Mette Mikkelsen would probably never have thought that she would be doing professional archery in Germany before she came to Germany in October 2023 for the "Port of Production" residency programme. "It was a really great experience. Groundbreaking!" says the Danish film producer. For the four participants, Danielle Guirguis (Smarthouse - Creative Impact Studio, Netherlands), Mette Mikkelsen (New Tales, Denmark), Patricia Bergeron (Productions Leitmotiv, Canada) and Fabian Driehorst (Fabian&Fred), it was their third time together. After working together for around two weeks in Denmark and Canada, the programme has now taken them to Germany. "Each participant helps to shape the programme in their own country. In Germany, I was able to think about where we wanted to focus our work," says Executive Producer Fabian Driehorst.
Port of Production is organised by the funding institutions MOIN Film Fund, Danish Film Institute, National Film School of Denmark, SODEC Québec and the Netherlands Film Fund. The countries Denmark, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands are therefore also the countries where the working meetings take place - and where the participants come from.
Together with Anne Kathrin Lewerenz from MOIN Film Fund, Driehorst planned the packed schedule for the third working meeting of the residency group. The focus was on business development and leadership. The route took her to meet Executive Producers Fabian Gasmia (Seven Elephants) from Berlin and Maite Woköck (Telescope Animation), Andrea Schütte (Tamtam Film) and Wiebke Andresen (Studio Hamburg) from Hamburg. "However, we didn't look at the four of them as Executive Producers, but as leaders. An exciting perspective that was also very helpful for our own self-reflection," says participant Patricia Bergeron from Canada.

But there were also appointments, such as the one at the Berlin Bogenakademie with leadership coach Annette Birkholz, where the four Executive Producers got to know each other from a completely different angle - and had a lot of fun along the way. Of course, there was also plenty of time for "watching films". In addition to a visit to DOK Leipzig, the residency group spent several days at Filmfest Hamburg, where they were able to see the premiere of "Sultana's Dream", which Driehorst co-produced with his production company Fabian&Fred.
Over the last few months, the four participants have grown closer and closer: "We live together during the work meetings and experience everyday life together. This is where close friendships develop that would never happen in a short meeting. It's an exciting but also challenging time, as you also have to take care of your own business and family, of course," says Driehorst. The personal level of the programme is also one of the most important points for Mette: "You now know what makes the others tick and know their story. This has created a deep bond over time. If I have questions about the film market in Germany, Canada or the Netherlands, I know who I can call."

The latest meeting is currently taking place in the Netherlands, where the programme includes a visit to the International Film Festival Rotterdam - and of course a visit from numerous people from the film world to get to know the local film and funding system better and to participate.
Anyone who is now interested in becoming part of the "Port of Production" residency can apply again soon. We will provide all the important information for the next edition here shortly.
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